This ReBoot Museum website is dedicated to cataloging in pictorial form all the merchandise produced for the excellent computer graphics cartoon show ReBoot.
Now with new links added to each page to aid navigation, press the top left corner of any 'vidwindow' to go to the top of the page.
I'm still taking photos of my stuff (takes ages to set up and get a good shot then run through a paint package to get the high quality images you see on this site), all items of my own have a Bob coloured blue star ( ) in the top left of the image. I do have a lot of stuff but I also don't have a lot of stuff - specifically the rarer figures like the last wave figures (Ray Tracer, Captain Capacitor etc.)
As I will never be able to have a complete collection of every piece ever made I'll need your help, if you have things I don't have then I would really appreciate high quality photographs of them, but not until I've finished cataloguing my collection. You will be given full credit for the photographs.
Cheers, Haku. haku@haku.co.uk
P.S. hope you have a fast connection, there's a LOT of pictures on this site!
All photographs on this site are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission.
WANTED: (money waiting)
- Colour Change Megabyte
- Colour Change Hexadecimal
- Binome Series Phong (gold/purple) (it came with The TIFF Dot)
- White Bob
- Ray Tracer (Original & ReDeco) *PIC*
- Web Bob *PIC*
- Web Matrix *PIC*
- Captain Capacitor *PIC*
- Toys R US Exclusive CDRom Megabyte
- Captain Capacitor *PIC*
- Canada Games POGs slammers: silver 3,5,8 and gold 2,3,5,6,7,8 - I'll pay $5 a piece
- US VHS "The Medusa Bug"
- US VHS "The Great Brain Robbery"
- US VHS "Talent Night"
- Toothbrushes - the other design(s) (not Enzo or Frisket)
- Flask & Lunchbox *PIC*
- Orange Mainframe crew jacket
- Banners and Posters used to display the series in Canada
- Mainframe crew baseball cap *PIC*
- Frisket baseball cap *PIC*
- Red baseball cap *PIC*
- Season 2 presspack
- Socks
- Red "Glitch cutter" t-shirt *PIC*
- Purple "Beware of byte" t-shirt *PIC*
- Taiwanese VCDs *PIC*
- Season 3 tshirt with cast standing behind the ReBoot word
- Polar Fleece Ivy hat with PID logo
- Sweatshirt with small Hack & Slash on front, grey PID logo on back
- Plus any other items or promotional material not listed or shown on this site!
- Carded Binome Series (complete); black Hexadecimal with Skuzzy, Frisket with Cecil, grey Megabyte with Lt Chauncy, 'The Tiff' blue suit Bob with Old Man Pearson, 'The Tiff' blue suit Dot with gold/purple Phong, Hack with rocket pack, Slash with rocket pack, Enzo with Mike the TV
- Loose CDRom series (complete); black Megabyte, black Frisket, Enzo, red dress Dot, Bad Bob, rocket hands 'Null' Hack, rocket hands 'Null' Slash
- Loose 'binomes' figures; Bob, Dot, Megabyte, Hexadecimal, Frisket, Enzo, Old Man Pearson, Mike the TV, Cyrus, Skuzzy, rocket pack Hack, rocket pack Slash
- Carded & loose '3 inch' figures; only 12 pictured on back of cards, but 15 different ones collected so far
- carded season 3 figures (complete): Megabyte, GlitchBob, Matrix, AndrAIa, Dot (black card border)
- Carded season 3 figures (complete): Megabyte, GlitchBob, Matrix, AndrAIa, Dot (blue card border)
- Loose season 3 figures (complete): Megabyte, GlitchBob, Matrix, AndrAIa, Dot
- Carded season 3 last figures: Ray Tracer, Ray Tracer (redeco), Webrider, Web Bob, Web Matrix
- Loose Webrider figure
- Season 1 presspack
- Season 3 presspack
- Season 3 transfers
- Fleer promotional pack (basicaly a simple folder thing with a promo sheet and an info sheet)
- sealed packs of Fleer trading cards
- set of 5 Fleer oversized cards, 6.5" by 10" in size
- A3 sized Fleer advertisment poster
- Argentinian sticker book with set of stickers (only the mail-away one is missing)
- New artwork poster
- Art of ReBoot book
- Art of ReBoot plugin, signed by Gavin Blair
- The 3 large playsets still carded
- Notebook
- 4 jigsaws
- Full set of Canada Games POGs
- Bunch of sealed packs of Canada Games POGs
- Another, smaller lampshade
- Slash bubblebath
- Original Collector Edition figures set featuring the season 1 wave 1 figures
- US Wizards, Warriors and a word from our Sponsor VHS
- Sealed calendar (I won't be opening it)
- Lots more t-shirts
- Leather Mainframe crew jacket
- Fleece Mainframe crew jacket
- Nylon Mainframe crew jacket
- Nylon/spandex Mainframe crew jacket (more like a tracksuit/jogging top)
- Season 3 VHS tapes
- Three signed season 3 scripts: "Icons", "The Edge of Beyond" & "Return of the Crimson Binome".
- Skips crisps packets & stickers
- Skips Flips (complete set of POGs like discs)
- Viral skull sew-on patch
- Kellogg's Frosties cereal packets from 1995
- Poster set in a tube (4 posters + 4 crayons)
- Mainframe Viral Team Hockey Jersey
- Mainframe Captain's Hockey Jersey
- Empty Megabyte biscuits packets
- Sealed box of POGs packets
- Curtains (loose)
- 14 'bootleg' Marbles
- Poster signed by 9 people involved with ReBoot
- Rubbish bin (which isn't rubbish, it's cool)
- Mainframe Definitive DVD set
- Erasers
- Mini satchel
- Pencil sharpener
- ...I'm sure there's more things but I can't think of them or find them now